Welcome to the Punch Series by Takeuchi Naoko.
The Punch!! Series includes:
Takeuchi Naoko-hime no Shakai Ushi? Punch!!
Princess Takeuchi Naoko Back-to-Society? Punch!!
(December 1998 - March 1999)
Naoko-hime to Yoshihiro-ouji no Marriage Punch!!
Princess and Prince's Marriage Punch!!
(April 1999- 2000)
Naoko-hime to Yoshihiro-ouji no Baby Punch!!
Princess and Prince's Baby Punch!!
Hime to Ouji to Petit Ouji no Punch!!
(2001-2002?) They detail silly stories based on Takeuchi-sensei's life, and accounts of what she thinks of Sailormoon, and other things in her life. It's not 100% true, but more of a parody on the happenings, parts are written by her husband, Togashi-sensei. (See his shrine) The problem is, at present, I don't own all of the manga, so I cannot scan them in. If anyone has any of the manga (that's not from Golden Quartz, I already linked them), and can scan them in, please contact me. |